Eleanor Rigby

Suena la canción y la canto con ellos, como siempre. Me envuelve la melodía y no puedo parar de escucharla. Decido buscar la letra para aprenderla con mayor rapidez y pasa lo queera probable que pasase: he caído en su red. Todo por una razón: su significado. Estas cosas son las que hacen para mi una canción especial. Melodía y voces son importantes, pero si además su significado es importante para mi o significa algo, se convierte en una de esas canciones.

La canción cuenta la historia de una chica solitaria, una de tantas. Soñadora e ilusa, se pone en la piel de una pareja recién casada, pensando que el arroz arrojado ese día se habría caído de su pelo, y no del de otra chica. Piensa que hay alguien ahí, que la espera, que la cuida, que siempre estará ahí...
Por otro lado, lanzan la siguiente pregunta al aire, la cual no sé si alguien sería capaz de responder con certeza: All the lonely people, where do they all belong??
¿Dónde pertenecemos la gente solitaria? No hay ningún sitio en especial. Yo diría que a todos y a ninguno a la vez. Algunos se lo han buscado, otros acaban ahí por rechazo social, otros por carácter... ¿Cuándo llega el momento de decir se acabó? (buena frase de The Mexican por cierto... :P) ¿Cuándo le toca a la persona decidir si ese será su destino o si solo es el resultado de un juego del destino? El azar puede ser muy traicionero. Hay gente que piensa incluso que las cosas ocurren por un motivo... ¿Significa esto que la gente que está sola debe pensar que están así porque es como deberían estar?

I'm sick of everything...

Just as my favourite band once said "I'm so sick of the tension. Sick of the hunger. Sick of you acting like I owe you this. Find another place to feed your greed. While I find a place to rest..." My question is: when the hell will I find that fucking place? I'm tired of looking for something to be happy and finding nothing but material things... I am a human being, and I am supposed to find happiness in both material and unmaterial things. And of course, the most important of all of them: in other human beings. The problem is that I don't know why, I feel that I can't do that anymore. I feel that the only people near me are my family, and the rest are just about to leave. I know I have trust issues and all that, but c'mon... all of us have that kind of problems, and eventually they are able to ignore them until they trust again. Why can't I?? What did I ever do to have all these things around me?? This fucking illness, this trust problems, all the bullying stuff, my physical issues... Damn it... I even feel selfish and bad whenever I think about that but I can't help it. It's like the universe is trying to tell me something. Even my career seems too dark right now.Why... Why did it have to be me? I'm always trying to smile, to feel like nothing happens to, at least, make people around me believe that, but I don't know how longer will I be able to do it... That feeling of crying all the time and yelling to everyone is always with me these months and it's being too much for me to take.
I feel like the only thing that would make me happy was to disappear; just travel to every place I feel my heart will be fine, but of course it is not that simple. If I could divide myself and send every peace to each place, I'd do that... At least I'd rest in peace forever... But life is not supposed to be like that. I am not supposed to give up... Even though I have thought about it several times, I know I am too coward to do it. So I have to live with this crap every day. How am I going to be in six months from now? I don't know... I would love to be thinner, happier, with better marks and people that really love me by my side. What do I have now? An illness (or more probably), tears in my eyes, pain everywhere, more weight of course, clothes I do not fit in, a worried family and people who ignore that.
I am not the kind of people that talks about their feelings anywhere, but I thought if I didn't do it anywhere I would explode any minute. Maybe I will eventually, but at least I was in peace for the time I spent writing this text.

C ya

The end

I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter...